SCENAR training for sciatica
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Ultimate scenar training

Modernised, simplified and accelerated SCENAR Training courses in the UK. If you have trained before this training will accelerate your understanding and capabilities as a therapist.

Why SCENAR Excel Training is THE Amazing Training Route

The text below is an excerpt from a SCENAR practitioner’s treatment of a client with sciatica that I found on the internet:

“I just give you short plan of my patient, when I did cleansing, general zones (3P6P, Collar and Palm) and local treatment, the patient still not satisfied. I did: 1st session – abdomen squares by principle Threes in D-1, F 95 Hz, AM 2:1, and 8 lines in D-0, Fm -on. 2-nod session in 3 days – combination of chakras and stars in D-1 and F15 Hz and 3 lines on the arms alternating outside and inside and central and side lines in D-0, SW, 3-rd session in 3 days – 3 lines on the legs from back of the knee to sciatica point and to ankle in D-0 and VAR and int 4, Z, and Monad in D-1”.

While I am sure this was a very effective treatment plan, you must agree it looks really complicated and time-consuming and probably not off the top of the head but a lot of referencing.

Let’s assume the outcome was effective as it took 3 or 4 sessions for the patient. The SCENAR Excel treatment methodology would allow you to possibly achieve either the same or better results in one or possibly 2 sessions if the patient was really chronic. No complicated protocols, just an effective approach that works for you and more importantly your clients.

We cannot express enough how more advanced our techniques are, enabling you to achieve greater results, faster! We have now had quite a few therapists come along to or treatment centre for a treatment with Jenny. They sign up on the training course immediately! We would love to see you for a treatment and prove that it works like we say it does. Get in touch: Fresh Start Health 01243 514 158.

How can I say this…… well years of experience treating hundreds of clients with the ‘old’ methodology and now 3 and a half years of our ‘new’ methodology. The latter being rapid result after rapid result. Our training method, the self-developed treatment techniques prove it works. But, probably the strongest influence is intuition! You need to learn how to ‘read’ your clients, understand what is going on with their body and let your intuition guide your SCENAR Excel treatment process. During the training course you will be able to see and learn this approach.

We are going into colleges and Universities demonstrating SCENAR Excel and our techniques to massage and sports therapy students. Demonstrating on every student in 15 minute sessions, they can effectively feel a change in their pain, tension, stress or injury. Perhaps not a fix but a very strong change in the right direction. Enough to prove a point!

SCENAR Training that short cuts the learning process BUT with a professional approach and effective outcome. For those of you that want to learn the complicated protocols we will be running another training course later on that runs through the best of these. For those of you that may have already undertaken SCENAR training Level 1 & 2 at another training house, you will experience an amazing new approach to enhance, accelerate and simplify your SCENAR treatments.

Our advertising states that after 2 days intensive training you will be treating your clients effectively and with confidence the following day. Our trainee’s have proved this over and over again.

Don’t forget, one of the biggest things therapists struggle with is marketing and integrating SCENAR therapy into their existing practice. Our training course has this covered. We will show you the best routes to make SCENAR Excel Therapy work in your practice.

Interested….. we look forward to meeting you soon. Any questions please get in touch.

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