SCENAR Training benefits
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Ultimate scenar training

Modernised, simplified and accelerated SCENAR Training courses in the UK. If you have trained before this training will accelerate your understanding and capabilities as a therapist.

The amazing benefits of SCENAR and SCENAR Training

Remarkable Pain Relief

The benefits of Scenar often rival the strongest pain killers. This includes TENS machines which just block pain until the body adapts and the pain returns. The way that SCENAR works generally leads to remarkably lasting relief.

In the case of chronic conditions, if the original cause is still in place, there may be occasional flare-ups but these are usually brief and usually dealt with in just one or two treatments.

In University trials in Australia, pain relief was still evident in the vast majority of cases six months after therapy ended. Very few therapies have the ability to match SCENAR’s long-term effects.

Gentleness and Safety

SCENAR is non-manipulative, non-invasive, non-toxic, non-addictive, and can be used with people of any age. SCENAR feels tingling or prickly, but (generally) soothing.

SCENAR is unusually well researched: after large clinical trials, over 40 years of use in Russia, and over 20 years here, there are no reports of negative side effects. SCENAR uses the most natural and gentle of healing processes – those in your own body.

Instead of blocking or manipulating the body in a forceful, one-way process, SCENAR’s signals are being constantly modified by the body’s responses. Coached to repair itself using its own resources, the body will generally choose to do so quickly and deeply.

SCENAR actually proves itself by working in amazing harmony with other therapies like massage, sports therapy, physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and a whole array of others. In our pain relief centre we combine the Scenar with massage to amazing effect. Local osteopaths send their clients to us to break through where they can’t on a long term basis.

For over 80% of our clients we are the last port of call, having already tried other pain relief therapies. If you are a therapist you MUST consider adding this to your practice. It will give your existing treatments a massive edge, and you clients lasting more rapid results.

If you are in the South of England come along and see us and experience the power of and benefits of SCENAR yourself. Then book on our SCENAR training course for an amazing weekend of training!

We will be continually be adding new, 1 day SCENAR training courses to our list. An array of titles to enable you to grow your SCENAR skills on a long term basis. Future proofed training and support second to none.

We work closely in our practice with visiting therapists that come in a couple of times a month to work alongside us. Sports therapy and SCENAR is a proven marriage of success. We work with our Sports massage therapists by combining 30 mins SCENAR therapy followed by 30 mins sports therapy. The client literally gets the best of both worlds. One client 2 therapists – accelerated results!

Get in touch for a chat; ask me as many questions as you want. We will make the time for you. Experience the amazing benefits of SCENAR!

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