There are many ways of generating new customers for your therapy business. From a professional website (however small) that serves as your online brochure, leaflets, flyers and small brochures to hand out, business cards, email templates and of course the dreaded social media. Facebook used to work so well in marketing your business but the last couple of algorithm changes have substantially crippled the power of your reach without paying to boost every post. Even paying on Facebook doesn’t always work these days!
Whatever form or piece of paper you present to your client or online presence, make sure it is crisp and professional. Make sure you look better than your competition. The general public as well as businesses are used to now seeing far better and stronger marketing material than they were 5 years ago.
Don’t get left behind, you have a range of professional qualifications and professional skills, so show everyone what you can do in a professional manner.
Our prepared marketing packages are designed to enable you to market your business with maximum professional impact at minimum cost. Take any of our marketing material designs and we can swap out the contact details, change to your logo and order the print material for you that is delivered to your door in 5 days.
Other changes can also be undertaken for minimal additional cost. The flyer cost already includes some changes to the body text.
Business card 1 – Front
Business Card 1 – Back
Business Card Style 1
Size: 85 x 55mm landscape (standard size) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 400gsm card and matt laminated both sides Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 250 cards: £45.00 or 500 cards: £55.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: BC1-250 and BC1-500 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo and edit the list of services
Business Card Style 2 – Front
Business Card Style 2 – Back
Business Card Style 2
Size: 85 x 55mm landscape (standard size) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 400gsm card and matt laminated both sides Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 250 cards: £45.00 or 500 cards: £55.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: BC2-250 and BC2-500 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo and edit the list of services and statement
Gift Voucher – Front
Gift Voucher – Back
Gift Voucher
Size: 210 x 99mm landscape (DL) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm silk card Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 250 vouchers: £51.00 or 500 cards: £65.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Voucher-250 and Voucher-500 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo and minor edit of the body text
A5 Flyer – Front
A5 Flyer – Front
A5 Double Sided Flyer - Version 1
Size: 210 x 148mm Portrait(A5) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm silk card Artwork changes: £54.00 Printing 500 flyers: £67.00 or 1000 flyers: £89.00, 2000 flyers: £101.50 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Flyer1-500 and Flyer1-1000 or Flyer1-2000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, edit the list of services and minor amendments to body text
Side 1 with cover
Side 2
Illustrating fold
A4 Double Sided Flyer - Folded to DL
Size: 210 x 297mm – folded to DL size Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 250gsm silk Artwork changes: £68.00 Printing 500 folded flyers: £99.00 or 1000 flyers: £119.00, 2000 flyers: £198.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: FlyerD1L-500 and FlyerDL1-1000 or FlyerDL1-2000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
This flyer is designed to explain SCENAR to your clients! Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, edit the list of services and minor amendments to body text
DL Flyer – Front
DL Flyer – Back
DL Double Sided Flyer - (99mm x 210mm)
Size: 99 x 210mm – DL size Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm silk card Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 250 DL Flyers: £51.00 or 500 Flyers: £65.00 or 1000: £81.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: DL-250, DL-500 and DL-1000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, and minor amendments to body text
Discount Voucher Front
Alternative Front
Discount Voucher Back
A7 Double Sided Discount Voucher
Size: 105 x 74mm landscape (A7) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm card Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 500 discount vouchers: £44.00 or 1000 vouchers: £56.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Voucher1-500 and Voucher1-1000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
The £ amount or % can be changed to suit your requirements Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, and minor amendments to body text
Client Loyalty Card – Front
Client Loyalty Card – Back
A7 Client Loyalty Card
Size: 105 x 74mm landscape (A7) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm card Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 500 discount vouchers: £44.00 or 1000 vouchers: £56.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Loyalty1-500 and Loyalty1-1000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, and minor amendments to body text
Recommend a Friend – Front
Recommend a Friend – Back
A7 Recommend a Friend Card
Size: 105 x 74mm landscape (A7) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm card Artwork changes: £38.00 Printing 500 discount vouchers: £44.00 or 1000 vouchers: £56.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Loyalty1-500 and Loyalty1-1000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, and minor amendments to body text
WIDE Roller Banner
WIDE Roller Banner
1000mm Wide Roller Banner
Size: 1000mm wide x 2000mm tall Finish: Full colour, printed ONE side on 225gsm grey polymer Artwork changes: £68.00 Printing 1 roller banner supplied in zip-up case: £99.00 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: roller-banner1 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, and minor amendments to body text
Standard roller banners are 800mm wide. These ones are 1000mm or 1 metre wide and the extra with gives so much more impact!
Client Prescription/Notes
Client Prescription/Notes
A5 Client Prescription / Notes Card
Size: 210 x 148mm Portrait(A5) Finish: Full colour, printed both sides on 350gsm silk card Artwork changes: £44.00 Printing 500 flyers: £67.00 or 1000 flyers: £89.00, 2000 flyers: £101.50 Courier delivery: £6.99 per order Order Ref: Prescription1-500, Prescription1-1000 or Prescription1-2000 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, edit the list of services and minor amendments to body text
It is important that you and your business look professional at all levels. Write notes about YouTube videos to watch, products or treatments to search on Google, and on the other side reference products to buy and if they are on your website enter the SKU/product number. So much better than scraps of paper.
PDF Locatiom Map
PDF Locatiom Map
A4 Location Map in PDF format
Size: A4 Finish: 2 PDF files will be supplied; one low-res for including on your website and one hi-res for printing out in the office Artwork changes: £54.00 Order Ref: Location-map1 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Email Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, edit the map and update directions (supplied by you)
Editable Invoice Template
Editable Invoice Template
Editable Invoice Template (Microsoft WORD)
Size: A4 Finish: WORD document in either .doc, .docx or template format ready for you for editing and printing out in the office Artwork changes: £58.00 Order Ref: Invoice1 Turnaround: Approx 6 days inc. Email Delivery
Artwork Changes: Update all contact details, change to your logo, business terms etc.