The RITM SCENAR Pro Plus Professional device is designed for medical and allied health practitioners such as Physiotherapists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Rehabilitation Practitioners, Podiatrists, Massage and Sports Therapists.
The RITM SCENAR Professional device range is designed for medical and allied health practitioners such as Physiotherapists, Veterinarians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Rehabilitation Practitioners, Podiatrists, Massage and Sports Therapists. RITM SCENAR Professional devices are micro-computers with built-in electrodes that deliver complex electrical signals directly to the skin.
The SCENAR impulse waveforms and frequencies change automatically to prevent the body from adapting to the stimulation.
The SCENAR Pro Plus device measures the body response of the electrical signal and display the information on a LCD screen. This allows the practitioner to view current readings and choose the most appropriate mode of operation and zone of treatment.
The RITM SCENAR Pro Plus device supports four Modes of operation:
Manual Mode – all device settings, localization of active points and treatment durations are determined subjectively by the therapist.
Dosing Modes – Dose1 and Dose 2 – treatment of a particular skin area is dosed automatically by the device. The treatment time is determined by the device and depends on the changes in skin parameters.
Screening Mode – a measuring mode for quick determination of the most optimal treatment zones.
The device can be set up with various amplitude modulations depending on the stage of the pain process, treatment area and the individual response of the body. The Amplitude modulations integrated into the RITMSCENAR Pro+ are: 1:1:, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5.
Five Damping modes are available in the RITM SCENAR Pro+ to be used according to the complaint phase, skin sensitivity and body response.
The Frequency Modulation incorporated in the RITM SCENAR Pro+ is from 30Hz to 120Hz. As an addition to the FM modes, the RITMSCENAR Pro+ also supports four Swing modes in preventing the body’s accommodation to the signal.
Influencing Frequencies can be selected within the range of 15Hz to 350Hz and can be utilized in the treatment of different phases of the complaint.
The practitioner can also control and modify other parameters of the device, such as: impulse intensity, duration of gaps between impulses and power influence for achieving optimal treatment results.
Please note: All SCENAR devices are ordered direct from Russia once and order has been placed and take 25 days for delivery. If an order is cancelled after it has been ordered from Russia there will be a £200 re-stocking fee.
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